Getting setup is quick and easy!

We’ll be here to help if you have any questions. Please follow the simple instructions below to get your Ordermark equipment set up and activated.
Ready to schedule your activation call?
Click here

Follow these simple steps to set up your Ordermark equipment!

1. Unpack
2. Connect
3. Activate

1. Unpack your hardware and set it up.

NOTE: You will need to have your restaurant’s Wifi password on hand as you go through the following steps. 

Equipment Setup


A – Setup your tablet

Using the power supply cord labeled “Terminal power supply,” insert the four-pronged plug into the terminal power supply on the Ordermark A1Terminal and connect the other side to a power source.

B – Setup your printer

Connect the Printer to a power source with the included power cable.

Take the USB-B end and plug it into the back of your printer.

Take the USB-A end and plug it into any of the four available slots on the underside of the Ordermark A1 Terminal.

2. Connect the system to the internet.

Make sure you are on the Ordermark A1 Terminal home screen and select the Ordermark Orders app.


Please use the credentials provided to log into your Ordermark Dashboard. You should see a Printer Disconnected message on the screen.


Turn the printer on.


A message should appear that says “Allow Ordermark to access”. Select the checkbox “Always open Ordermark when is connected” and press OK.

Great! Your printer and tablet should now be connected to the Internet.

3. Activate Your Ordermark System

Before we can begin processing orders through your Ordermark System, we’ll need to have a quick Activation call.
Schedule your call here
Or when your hardware is setup, give us a call at (833) 673-3762

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